
About Uptime.cam

Uptime.cam was created out of necessity more than anything else. In early 2014 me and my team already had 100+ websites on our hands and we desparately needed a solid downtime monitor to help keep those websites healthy and running.

This is why we built Uptime.cam. And it was well worth the time.

It has saved us a ton of time, bad surprises and uncomfortable situations! Today, I can hardly imagine monitoring anything manually, even a single website. We are happy and we want to share it!

I hope Uptime.cam will help you as much as it has helped me and my team in our day to day work.

- Pavel Petrov, Lead Developer

How it works

  1. Uptime.cam's bots check the HTTP headers of your websites at the given interval.
  2. If your header response is 2xx or 3xx, great! Your website is up and running.
    Users with Advanced plans will get their load times recorded + a certificate check.
  3. In all other cases, you will recieve a notification via one or more channels - twitter, sms, email, slack, pushbullet, webhooks.

Uptime.cam is free?

Yes, it is free

We're offering a complete, fully functional version of Uptime.cam that monitors 1 website for free.

Read about all the great features in the FAQs

You need more?

Sure, we offer plans for advanced users who:

  • monitor 1+ websites
  • need API access
  • want to notify more than 1 person

UpTime monitoring tool that keeps your business online